of the Sacred Heart
Parents’ Association / Development Office
Tuesday, Feb 28, 2006
Click on these headings to jump to the related item in this issue:
the Case for Diversity
Celebrate Spring 2006 News
Workout Rooms Open Houses
Miller's Mile
Mornings on Broadway
Educational Speakers
MAKING THE CASE FOR DIVERSITY Batiste Invitation here (Mary's copy is in my email at work)
feel free to call us at 345-5825 or email at
Thank you in advance for your support and we look forward to hearing from you!
Event Co-Chairs: Patricia Glasser and Milly Hanley 415-345-5825.
Visit the Celebrate Spring Home Page
for event details.
WORKOUT ROOMS OPEN -- SSH has opened workout facilities at both campuses, along with dance and dressing room facilities to support Syufy Theater activities. To view photos of facilities and the open houses held for each opening, click here for Broadway campus and here for SHHS campus events. Workout rooms are open to students and staff, but users should be checked out on equipment before using facilities.
MILLER'S MILE RACE AND T-SHIRT CONTEST -- Join in this great annual family event! Saturday, April 29th, 8:30 am. Open to the entire Schools of the Sacred Heart four-school community … students, alumni, faculty, grandparents … even your dogs! Run or walk the 2.2 mile race course along Golden Gate Promenade, ending at Marina Green. Ribbons for all and trophies for many. No registration … it's FREE.
And the Winner is? Enter and it could be you! Entry deadline for the Miller's Mile T-Shirt Contest is Tues., Feb. 28th. Turn your design in to SHB or CES school offices. You can submit original art and computer drawings. Size: 8 1/2 x 11. Media: markers, poster paints, paper cutouts. Click for details on the race and T-shirt contest. Contacts: SHB Susan Butler, 415-752-8035,; CES Beth Silvestri
THE FAITH PLEASE -- Mornings on Broadway, Wednesday, March 1- 8:30 am
Have you ever felt stumped by your child asking a "Big God Question?" Do you
feel a tad under-prepared to pass on your faith to your kids? Do you feel that
you are doing a bang up job but would like to hear the experiences of others?
You are not alone! Passing on our faith to our children can be a challenging,
somewhat confusing, and stab-in-the-dark experience for some of us. It can be
hard to navigate the labyrinth of beliefs and traditions of religion and still
come away with clarity and focus. Some parents find themselves in the awkward
position of passing along faith while simultaneously trying to find their own.
Joy Libby, veteran Sunday school and women's bible study teacher will facilitate a robust discussion of these topics and offer some biblical insight and strategy to try at home. Joy is the Executive Director and Head teacher of the Presidio Sunday School, a non-denominational Christian Sunday School located in the Presidio. She facilitates a women's faith discussion group each week and tries her best to daily pass along her faith. She is also a parent at CES (2) and SHB (K). Questions: Lora Banks ( and Michelle Keene (, Committee Chairs, Mornings on Broadway.
7:00 pm, in Orinda.
Click here for details.
SECONDS-TO-GO, our "pre-owned" retail shop at 2252 Fillmore Street (between Clay and Sacramento), has new and exciting items for sale! There is a large stock of designer clothing on hand, so it's a good time to shop for chic clothing at great prices. Stop by and check out some of the best in pre-owned clothing, housewares, books and other treasure. Seconds-To-Go sells donated items, with proceeds going to the Scholarship Fund at SSH. If you have items you'd like to donate, please call 415-563-7806 or email or visit our web page for more details. Marketable donations are tax deductible. Contributions may be brought to the shop, a white zone for drop-off is provided.
Past E-NFOs can be seen Online
SSH Parents' Association
SSH Development Office
415-345-5824 (PA)
415-345-5802 (Special Events)
415-931-0201 (Fax)